#: locale=en ## E-Learning ### Answer questionOption_3934CF57_084D_B948_418D_BDB50D3933D2.text = 10 hours questionOption_0B460AA8_1928_250A_419F_58CDF293FA8F.text = 10 hours questionOption_3934AF57_084D_B948_418F_9E42813A13B0.text = 12 hours questionOption_0BBDFEBE_1928_3D06_4176_8F363059CFA5.text = 12 hours questionOption_3934DF57_084D_B948_419F_EB8A30F06E49.text = 24 hours questionOption_0BB3FCD1_1928_3D1A_41A5_03DA8CA74472.text = 24 hours questionOption_3934BF57_084D_B948_419C_42B3F2EF601F.text = 48 hours questionOption_0BA2B0AC_1928_250A_4185_E9C4DBD8CB36.text = 48 hours questionOption_39375F58_084D_B978_4197_D9DB6598393E.text = During lunch questionOption_0A341EF0_1928_1D1A_4160_D205DF9C2C10.text = During lunch questionOption_3E35889F_0625_5645_418A_C825A256F1B9.text = It brings longer days for outdoor activities questionOption_3934EF57_084D_B948_4165_8505FA542ABD.text = It brings longer days for outdoor activities questionOption_3E34689F_0625_5645_4183_E5FECA15069C.text = It has no significance at all questionOption_3934EF57_084D_B948_419F_1730F46B7894.text = It has no significance at all questionOption_3E35A89F_0625_5645_418C_5C5AAF1B383C.text = People can work all day long questionOption_39340F57_084D_B948_4187_E244B637B46E.text = People can work all day long questionOption_3E34789F_0625_5645_4159_A21C1FA1308A.text = People stop measuring time questionOption_3934FF57_084D_B948_4193_27457C52B740.text = People stop measuring time questionOption_0BEF43F2_1928_2B1E_417F_2C2793FD33F9.text = Sleeping in a tent outdoors questionOption_39376F58_084D_B978_41A0_15DEF975AE22.text = Sleeping in a tent outdoors questionOption_0BDC060D_1928_2D0A_41B8_F8B2F8EA34F3.text = Waiting until the sun goes down questionOption_39377F58_084D_B978_4161_8907B2381B3C.text = Waiting until the sun goes down questionOption_39374F58_084D_B978_41A2_C241A8EF51BA.text = Watching it on a TV in a hotel room questionOption_0BC6A7DB_1928_2B0E_41B5_D3C9D7CB02CB.text = Watching it on a TV in a hotel room ### Question question_3E35E89E_0625_5647_415E_95C9D8C119A1.title = 1 / 3
What is the significance of the Midnight Sun in Lofoten for locals and tourists? question_39346F56_084D_B948_4177_04CBC08981A9.title = 1 / 3
What is the significance of the Midnight Sun in Lofoten for locals and tourists? question_3934FF57_084D_B948_4190_C714A9DD38FC.title = 2 / 3
How long does the sun stay up during Midnight Sun in Lofoten? question_0B70DA3D_1928_E50A_41B1_AE9094252BED.title = 2 / 3
How long does the sun stay up during Midnight Sun in Lofoten? question_0B9F7624_1929_ED39_4193_E2AB27C93EFF.title = 3 / 3
What is the best way to experience the midnight sun in Lofoten for visitors? question_39348F57_084D_B948_416A_04CA89F9AC22.title = 3 / 3
What is the best way to experience the midnight sun in Lofoten for visitors? ### Question Screen quizQuestion_14CFCB59_022A_F51A_4164_4598B7522B91.ok = OK ### Report Screen quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.title = - SCORE - quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.completion = Completed quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.questionsCorrect = Correct quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.downloadCSV = Download .csv quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.questionsIncorrect = Incorrect quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.items = Items Found quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.questions = Questions quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.repeat = Repeat quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.submitToLMS = Submit quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.elapsedTime = Time ### Score Name score1.label = Score 1 ### Timeout Screen quizTimeout_14CCFB59_022A_F51A_4165_B9FCD3C65DBE.title = - TIMEOUT - quizTimeout_14CCFB59_022A_F51A_4165_B9FCD3C65DBE.repeat = Repeat quizTimeout_14CCFB59_022A_F51A_4165_B9FCD3C65DBE.score = View Score ## Media ### Title panorama_14843A94_1918_6519_419B_5C3FF987C89F.label = Lofoten Mornings | Lofoten - Norway ## Skin ### Image Image_E8E2CEA8_FF76_24E2_41E8_FCEDA53AF323.url = skin/Image_E8E2CEA8_FF76_24E2_41E8_FCEDA53AF323_en.png Image_E8E2CEA8_FF76_24E2_41E8_FCEDA53AF323_mobile.url = skin/Image_E8E2CEA8_FF76_24E2_41E8_FCEDA53AF323_mobile_en.png ### Multiline Text HTMLText_1E1896A9_0845_EDD7_41A0_00F17722E429.html =
Lofoten Mornings

The Midnight Sun is a unique phenomenon that can also be experienced in Lofoten, a stunning archipelago in Norway. During this time, the sun never sets and provides an opportunity for visitors to explore the island's natural beauty 24 hours a day.

Waking up early or staying up late during the Midnight Sun allows visitors to witness the changing hues of the sky and the gentle glow of the sun at dawn or dusk, providing a truly magical experience. From breathtaking sunrises over the mountains to mesmerizing sunsets over the sea, the Midnight Sun is a must-see for those visiting Lofoten.
HTMLText_1E1896A9_0845_EDD7_41A0_00F17722E429_mobile.html =
Lofoten Mornings

The Midnight Sun is a unique phenomenon that can also be experienced in Lofoten, a stunning archipelago in Norway. During this time, the sun never sets and provides an opportunity for visitors to explore the island's natural beauty 24 hours a day.

Waking up early or staying up late during the Midnight Sun allows visitors to witness the changing hues of the sky and the gentle glow of the sun at dawn or dusk, providing a truly magical experience. From breathtaking sunrises over the mountains to mesmerizing sunsets over the sea, the Midnight Sun is a must-see for those visiting Lofoten.
### Tooltip IconButton_26957045_02EB_530A_4185_651ECA6D18CB.toolTip = Full Screen IconButton_26957045_02EB_530A_4185_651ECA6D18CB_mobile.toolTip = Full Screen IconButton_0C972DEB_01E6_CD4E_4155_CFA62C73EE25.toolTip = Information IconButton_0C972DEB_01E6_CD4E_4155_CFA62C73EE25_mobile.toolTip = Information IconButton_3E35289D_0625_5645_4191_515F845F8502_mobile.toolTip = Quiz Time IconButton_3E35289D_0625_5645_4191_515F845F8502.toolTip = Quiz Time IconButton_3F66F97C_0626_B6CB_417E_9E983D421723.toolTip = Show/Hide IconButton_3F66F97C_0626_B6CB_417E_9E983D421723_mobile.toolTip = Show/Hide ## Tour ### Description tour.description = There Are No Words to Describe What a Morning Is Like in This Norwegian Dreamplace. Or Are There? Check Out This 360 Nature Photo Experience. ### Title tour.name = Lofoten Mornings | Lofoten - Norway