#: locale=en
## E-Learning
### Answer
questionOption_39376F58_084D_B978_41A0_15DEF975AE22.text = Fishing
questionOption_3E34E8A2_0625_567F_4183_7C631195A35D.text = Fishing
questionOption_3E34C8A2_0625_567F_417D_C31E5F1DF552.text = Fruit picking
questionOption_39374F58_084D_B978_41A2_C241A8EF51BA.text = Fruit picking
questionOption_39377F58_084D_B978_4161_8907B2381B3C.text = Harvesting
questionOption_3E34D8A2_0625_567F_4182_CA552FA9D271.text = Harvesting
questionOption_3E35A89F_0625_5645_418C_5C5AAF1B383C.text = It can collapse on you
questionOption_39340F57_084D_B948_4187_E244B637B46E.text = It can collapse on you
questionOption_3E35889F_0625_5645_418A_C825A256F1B9.text = It's easy to slip and fall of the ledge
questionOption_3934EF57_084D_B948_4165_8505FA542ABD.text = It's easy to slip and fall of the ledge
questionOption_3934EF57_084D_B948_419F_1730F46B7894.text = It's hard to take a picture
questionOption_3E34689F_0625_5645_4183_E5FECA15069C.text = It's hard to take a picture
questionOption_3E34B8A2_0625_567F_4190_DBF12A5024BD.text = Ploughing
questionOption_39375F58_084D_B978_4197_D9DB6598393E.text = Ploughing
questionOption_3934CF57_084D_B948_418D_BDB50D3933D2.text = The angle of the sun
questionOption_3E3448A0_0625_567B_4160_DEAAD89C3D38.text = The angle of the sun
questionOption_3E3408A0_0625_567B_4187_7612EF3D6FA8.text = The huge trees
questionOption_3934BF57_084D_B948_419C_42B3F2EF601F.text = The huge trees
questionOption_3E3438A0_0625_567B_4181_51F6AD8BDF78.text = The local wildlife
questionOption_3934DF57_084D_B948_419F_EB8A30F06E49.text = The local wildlife
questionOption_3934AF57_084D_B948_418F_9E42813A13B0.text = The wind coming from the direction of the village
questionOption_3E3428A0_0625_567B_4167_E444CD87BE30.text = The wind coming from the direction of the village
questionOption_3E34789F_0625_5645_4159_A21C1FA1308A.text = Your phone could get wet
questionOption_3934FF57_084D_B948_4193_27457C52B740.text = Your phone could get wet
### Question
question_3E35E89E_0625_5647_415E_95C9D8C119A1.title = 1 / 3
Why is it so dangerous to take a selfie in front of Segla?
question_39346F56_084D_B948_4177_04CBC08981A9.title = 1 / 3
Why is it so dangerous to take a selfie in front of Segla?
question_3934FF57_084D_B948_4190_C714A9DD38FC.title = 2 / 3
What could make taking a selfie even more difficult?
question_3E3458A0_0625_567B_417F_46F33372B104.title = 2 / 3
What could make taking a selfie even more difficult?
question_3E34F8A2_0625_567F_4181_71F9FEAB5D35.title = 3 / 3
Which agricultural activity can you also see on the photo?
question_39348F57_084D_B948_416A_04CA89F9AC22.title = 3 / 3
Which agricultural activity can you also see on the photo?
### Question Screen
quizQuestion_14CFCB59_022A_F51A_4164_4598B7522B91.ok = OK
### Report Screen
quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.title = - SCORE -
quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.completion = Completed
quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.questionsCorrect = Correct
quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.downloadCSV = Download .csv
quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.questionsIncorrect = Incorrect
quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.items = Items Found
quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.questions = Questions
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quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.submitToLMS = Submit
quizScore_14C01B59_022A_F51A_417A_E40E16EC2BC5.elapsedTime = Time
### Score Name
score1.label = Score 1
### Timeout Screen
quizTimeout_14CCFB59_022A_F51A_4165_B9FCD3C65DBE.title = - TIMEOUT -
quizTimeout_14CCFB59_022A_F51A_4165_B9FCD3C65DBE.repeat = Repeat
quizTimeout_14CCFB59_022A_F51A_4165_B9FCD3C65DBE.score = View Score
## Media
### Title
panorama_2D1C7291_23B0_FA45_41B2_8ADC6DA4A677.label = The Mighty Segla and its Friends | Senja - Norway
## Skin
### Image
Image_E8E2CEA8_FF76_24E2_41E8_FCEDA53AF323.url = skin/Image_E8E2CEA8_FF76_24E2_41E8_FCEDA53AF323_en.png
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### Multiline Text
HTMLText_3877BB13_2393_6A41_4197_55463FEDF8C2.html =
Hesten - a unique viewpoint
Standing in front of Segla, Hesten is another one of the most impressive mountains in Senja. This majestic peak rises high above the surrounding landscape and offers stunning views of the sea and nearby islands. The climb to the top of Hesten is a popular activity for adventurous hikers and mountaineers, who are rewarded with a panoramic vista that takes in the beauty of Senja and beyond.
HTMLText_23EE3515_085C_AE19_419B_3B323AC25B7C.html = Let's get rougher on Inste Kongen
You may pushed all your limits and reached the top of Hesten, just to see that another monster is towering ahead of you. This one is Inste Kongen, maybe the hardest hike in the wild setting of Senja. The summit of Inste Kongen is a popular destination for experienced climbers and mountaineers, as it requires technical skill and physical endurance to reach the top. The challenging ascent is worth the effort, however, as it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and the sea.
HTMLText_1E1896A9_0845_EDD7_41A0_00F17722E429.html = The Mighty Segla and its Friends
The area in this 360 photograph is the region around Segla. It's located on Senja, the second largest island in Norway and is known for its stunning natural beauty and vibrant fishing industry. Segla, located on the northern part of the island, is a popular destination for visitors and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and the sea.
HTMLText_3F288FAB_2393_2A41_4163_885016B189FA.html = The main attraction: Segla
This is Segla. One of the most unique mountains in Senja in Norway, known for its distinct shape and dramatic views. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding islands and ocean. The mountain is popular among hikers, who can take a challenging trail to the summit or another trail to the foot of this beauty. At the top, visitors can enjoy a picnic, take in the breathtaking views, and experience the thrill of standing atop one of the most iconic landmarks in Norway.
HTMLText_225DAD75_0844_FE01_41A1_D20E334231BE.html = The new traditional fishing method: cages and nets
Fishing cages, also known as fish farms, have become a popular method of fishing in Norway, as they provide a controlled and sustainable way to harvest fish. These cages are floating structures made of mesh netting that are anchored in the ocean and filled with various types of fish. They are strategically placed in areas where water currents, temperature and other environmental factors are ideal for the growth and health of the fish. This has also helped the Norwegian fishing industry to become one of the largest in the world and has helped to meet the growing demand for seafood.
HTMLText_3FE29A4A_238F_2AC3_4197_2C101BD57A5F_mobile.html = Hesten - a unique viewpoint
Standing in front of Segla, Hesten is another one of the most impressive mountains in Senja. This majestic peak rises high above the surrounding landscape and offers stunning views of the sea and nearby islands. The climb to the top of Hesten is a popular activity for adventurous hikers and mountaineers, who are rewarded with a panoramic vista that takes in the beauty of Senja and beyond.
HTMLText_3FB1F897_238F_5641_41C0_397D075711D8_mobile.html = Let's get rougher on Inste Kongen
You may pushed all your limits and reached the top of Hesten, just to see that another monster is towering ahead of you. This one is Inste Kongen, maybe the hardest hike in the wild setting of Senja. The summit of Inste Kongen is a popular destination for experienced climbers and mountaineers, as it requires technical skill and physical endurance to reach the top. The challenging ascent is worth the effort, however, as it offers breathtaking views of the surrounding landscape and the sea.
HTMLText_1E1896A9_0845_EDD7_41A0_00F17722E429_mobile.html = The Mighty Segla and its Friends
The area in this 360 photograph is the region around Segla. It's located on Senja, the second largest island in Norway and is known for its stunning natural beauty and vibrant fishing industry. Segla, located on the northern part of the island, is a popular destination for visitors and offers breathtaking views of the surrounding mountains and the sea.
HTMLText_23EE3515_085C_AE19_419B_3B323AC25B7C_mobile.html = The main attraction: Segla
This is Segla. One of the most unique mountains in Senja in Norway, known for its distinct shape and dramatic views. It offers panoramic views of the surrounding islands and ocean. The mountain is popular among hikers, who can take a challenging trail to the summit or another trail to the foot of this beauty. At the top, visitors can enjoy a picnic, take in the breathtaking views, and experience the thrill of standing atop one of the most iconic landmarks in Norway.
HTMLText_225DAD75_0844_FE01_41A1_D20E334231BE_mobile.html = The new traditional fishing method: cages and nets
Fishing cages, also known as fish farms, have become a popular method of fishing in Norway, as they provide a controlled and sustainable way to harvest fish. These cages are floating structures made of mesh netting that are anchored in the ocean and filled with various types of fish. They are strategically placed in areas where water currents, temperature and other environmental factors are ideal for the growth and health of the fish. This has also helped the Norwegian fishing industry to become one of the largest in the world and has helped to meet the growing demand for seafood.
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## Tour
### Description
tour.description = Explore One of the Most Dangerous Abysses of whole Norway. Check Out This 360 Aerial Photograph.
### Title
tour.name = The Mighty Segla and its Friends | Senja - Norway