The Enchanted Archipelago | Sommarøy – Norway

The timeless place. But only in terms of beauty. Learn more about this story while taking a look at this 360-degree photograph.

So there’s a place. A place where the sun doesn’t set for more than 2 months. Who could blame its locals that they feel the unnecessity of time? Especially if they live under a view like this all day long. Just see it for yourself in the following aerial 360-degree photograph taken with a drone.

The story of Sommarøy

Sommarøy actually means Summer Island. It’s located west of the city of Tromsø and it’s hugely popular amongst tourists. If you’ve seen the 360-degree panoramic photo above, you can guess why. Yes, the scenery. Mountains, small islands, a great atmosphere, and amazing beaches. Yet how could anyone feel the march of time here?

The legend of living timeless

If you’ve gotten this far, you may have noticed that I’ve made several references to time. A few years back there was a rumor that a Norwegian island wants to declare itself a time-free zone. Actually, that island was Sommarøy. The story claimed that the locals signed a petition and handed it to the Parliament. But did that really happen?

Sadly, as good as it sounds, it was just a marketing stunt to call attention to. So be assured, if you ever visit Sommarøy, the time won’t stop, you’ll just wish it would.

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