Lofoten Mornings | Lofoten – Norway

I promise, you won't find the words to describe a morning in Lofoten. See it for yourself.

The best thing you can do, while you’re enjoying your summer vacation in Lofoten is to get up early. Or even not go to bed at all. In summer, the sky and the lands of this archipelago are filled with the warm sunbeams of the midnight sun. If you’re not familiar with this term, you must know that it means the sun doesn’t set below the horizon from the end of May until the middle of July. If you wish to know more about this natural phenomenon, feel free to check my other 360-degree photograph taken in Lofoten. So considering this, you now understand why I have stated that it’s very hard to find words for the never-ending days of Lofoten. Please check the following aerial 360 panoramic photo taken during a moody morning there.

An ideal place to live?

For some, sure. Of course, if you’re more of a city person, who enjoys being around a lot of people, enjoys the crowd and the proximity to shops, cinemas, and other facilities, probably, the answer is no. As you can observe in this 360 photograph, you can see a few houses and farms, mostly from a fair distance from each other. If you look more closely, you can notice a few settlements as well. This is typical for all of Lofoten. There are only two larger towns in the archipelago – Svolvær and Leknes – the others are smaller villages or remote houses. So if you like a bit of isolation, like to plan ahead your shopping needs, and absolutely love nature, then yes, Lofoten can be a perfect place for you to live.

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